My first Windows IOT project
Yesterday I posted my first Windows IOT project on named the SmileBackPi. The SmileBackPi is a simple Windows 10 IOT solution implementing the Microsoft Cognitive Services API to reflect the emotion/mood of a group.
How it works
When motion is detected the camera takes a screenshot and sends it to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Emotion API. This returns a JSON object with the scores of emotion from the people in the images. When the result is calculated it show the emotion back to the user on the screen in the form of a smiley. If the green LED is on data is being send to the cognitive services.
You can see the exact working and setup instruction of the project on
On twitter
SmileBackPi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi
— adafruit industries (@adafruit) September 1, 2017
SmileBackPi is a simple Windows 10 IoT project that combines motion, video and Microsoft Cognitive Services:
— (@Hacksterio) August 23, 2017